The Armchair Attorney® Podcast

Freight Essentials v GlobalTranz

Matthew Leffler Episode 90

In this installment we talk about the Freight Essentials v. GlobalTranz & Worldwide Express, a lawsuit filed by Dylan Admire of Freight Essentials containing some pretty wild allegations.

Disclaimer: This is just the Complaint & the Defendants have not filed their Answers yet. Everything in the Complaint will remain allegations unless & until we have a finding of fact by the fact-finder. In this case, a jury. Disclaimer over.

Let's get into it.

GlobalTranz is accused of misrepresenting transportation costs to business development companies (BDCs), which caused them to lose out on their portion of gross margin splits, the commission payments they were contractually entitled to. These costs included fuel surcharges, cargo insurance, & bad debt reserves. A little bit of extra "juice" for the bottom line. This discrepancy was allegedly brought up to the powers that be. Then things got wild.

Freight Essentials' largest customers were allegedly poached by Worldwide Express through an extension of a credit of over $1.5 million to one client & credits of $100,000.00 to another. Then Worldwide Express allegedly pretended to have acquired Freight Essentials to further move customers away from the agency. 

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