The Armchair Attorney® Podcast
The Armchair Attorney® Podcast is program hosted by the Armchair Attorney® himself, Matthew M. Leffler. Matthew is a real-life attorney with a curious mind and a passion for how things work. From law to supply chain and everything in-between, he bridges the gap between education and entertainment.
The Armchair Attorney® Podcast
103 Days.
You have 103 days to get your affairs in order. 103 Days.
The International Longshoremen's Association & United States Maritime Alliance announced they reached a tentative deal Thursday night. The tentative agreement is for a wage increase of around 62% over six years & extend the master contract until January 15, 2025. The parties will continue to negotiate the outstanding issues.
We've been here before.
April 26, 1956 began the era of containerization. Back then, longshoremen hand-loading a ship cost $5.86 a ton. Shipping containers brought the cost down all the way to 16 cents a ton. Using container shipping instead of break bulk shipping made as many as 19 out of 20 longshoremen unnecessary. For decades, the unions fought containerized shipping; but it was a lost cause.
You have 103 Days. Get ready.
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