The Armchair Attorney® Podcast
The Armchair Attorney® Podcast is program hosted by the Armchair Attorney® himself, Matthew M. Leffler. Matthew is a real-life attorney with a curious mind and a passion for how things work. From law to supply chain and everything in-between, he bridges the gap between education and entertainment.
The Armchair Attorney® Podcast
Hold the Freight!
What happens when freight is held hostage?
While rates remain in the favor of most shippers, the rise of freight fraud & theft continues to grow. In episode 69 of Fleeting Conversations, we welcome TJ Knudson, Regional Vice President of McClay's Logistics, & Tony Darnell, Regional Director of Operations at McClay's Logistics, to help us understand.
We're talking supply chain, cargo theft, & the ever growing world of freight held hostage. We also provide the latest updates on the FTC's rule banning noncompetes. Spoiler: if you don't like noncompetes, you probably won't like the update.
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